
Located on Anzac Avenue, Kallangur, Mick Young’s Smash Repairs provides insurance work, both spray painting and body repairs, for all insurers and is a proud supporter of Choice of Repairer.

With over four decades’ experience in the smash repairs industry, we’ve been through the insurance claims process with our customers many times and our team looks forward to assisting you in achieving the best possible outcome with your claim and getting you back on the road as quickly as possible.

What is Choice of Repairer?

While some insurers still send their customers’ vehicles to the repairers offering the cheapest quotes, who won’t necessarily provide the best work, most insurance companies now support the Choice of Repairer campaign that enables motorists to choose the repairer that will work on their vehicle in the event of an accident.

This means that if you’re happy with the quality of the service you’ve received in the past or you’ve heard of a local smash repairs business that provides a quality repairs service, you can request for your vehicle to be repaired by that repairer.

This is advantageous for both the motorist and the repairer. The motorist can have their vehicle repaired by a repairer that provides high-quality services and knows their vehicle, and the repairer receives more business due to favourable word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers.

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Quality Smash Repairs in Kallangur

As a local business with a solid local customer base built over the fifty years that we’ve been providing accident repairs and spray painting services to motorists in Kallangur and the surrounding areas, we support Choice of Repairer and hope that you’ll exercise your right to choose us as your repairer should you require the services of a local smash repairs service provider that takes pride in consistently delivering work of the highest quality.

If you’re not sure whether your insurance company offers Choice of Repairer or you’d like to learn more about the insurance work we carry out, give the team at Mick Young’s Smash Repairs a call and we’ll discuss your options – (07) 3285 6669.